
Friday, June 11, 2010

I invite you to come with me on this exciting journey

Why Principal2pointoh?

The obvious, being a principal in the web 2.0 context. Also it's the second re-incarnation of me as principal, version 2.0 so to speak. Version 1.0 was for many years at the Nisichawayasihk Cree Nation.
And the 'oh' , well that's the I obviously don't know everything part, and why I need your collective help with this.

I'm leaving my seccondment with Manitoba Education at the end of this month and am returning to the School District of Mystery Lake in Thompson, Manitoba. Two days ago I was interviewed and accepted a position as a K-8 Principal at Ecole Riverside School, our French immersion school.

I've decided to lurk no more and become an active contributor to the blogosphere.
My goal at this point is to use this blog to help me be a great principal.

I thought I would start with this.

One of the questions I was asked in the interview was "What do you think is the most important quality a principal should have?"

I replied that there were many qualities that principals needed to have. I don't want to list them all here but at the time I thought the most important quality was that principals believe:
  • That they believe in students and that all students can learn anything.
  • That they believe in parents and that parents want the best for their kids.
  • That they believe in teachers and that teachers want the best for their students.
What qualities do you think parents, students, and teachers want in a principal?


  1. I need to take the time to think of my advice to you, but I do want to say congratulations on your principalship! Glad to have you back in the bush!

  2. Thanks Clarence. I can hardly wait. I've got my case of 'deep woods off' on order. Once I get settled in maybe we can do something together with our students. Also I was thinking of you the other day when my youngest daughter was here in Winnipeg purchasing her first ever fountain pen.
    until later

  3. Congratulatiions, Rob! You will make an excellent Principal. I could give you several bits of advice after being a K-12 Principal for 3 years, but I'll keep it short with a few things ...:
    Listen to the kids, show you truly care (I know you will!)
    Let your teachers be leaders and risk takers.
    Get into classrooms and hallways and playgrounds as much as possible.
    Good luck, I look forward to keeping up with your blog... One more thing, take a look at George Couros' blog (The Principal of Change: georgecouros.word if you haven't already.

  4. Rob,

    Congratulations on the principalship. They have definitely chosen the right man for the job.

    Biggest tip I can share with you is to take care of yourself so you can take care of others. Being a school leader is a rewarding challenge but it can wear you down. Remember to smell the pin needles once in awhile! ;-)

    You're going to be missed around the coffee pot here at MB Education my friend!


  5. thanks for the sage advise and kind words


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